A Conversation With Thomas Turner, Creator Of Relentless Beats And Crush Arizona

We were fortunate enough to get the opportunity to get a hold of Thomas Turner and ask him a few Questions. Thomas has worked very hard over the years to create and build Relentless Beats. Relentless beats throw many events and festivals throughout the Phoenix, Arizona area. With Crush on its 10th anniversary, we focus mostly on that but also spoke on other subjects too.

For tickets and more information check out CRUSH’s Ticketing Page.

The Eyerarchy:
How did you get your start in the music industry and event production?
Thomas Turner:
I fell in love with underground house music in the 90s and that enthusiasm lead first to house parties. From there my passion has grown into what you see us do today, but never forgetting our roots.

The Eyerarchy:
What was your life like pre-Relentless Beats?
Thomas Turner:
I have always been an entrepreneur. I had a flyer route for several businesses when I was 13, and I was cleaning carpets for several restaurants when I was 18. After that, I worked in advertising as a professional career for 10 years, while invested my money in events for Relentless Beats When I left my day job for my advertising company it had been in business for almost 2 years. I used the proceeds of that business to continues to invest in Relentless Beats.

The Eyerarchy:
Where does your love and passion for music originate?
Thomas Turner:
I started going to raves in Phoenix when I was 18 and in my early 20s began listening to European house music. Europe and many parts of the world were already blessed with great house culture, but it was not as popular in America. However, we had an outstanding era in Arizona with Pompeii and Club Freedom in Tempe for about 5 years that saw all these European acts brought in by Steve Kushnir, & Jas Tynan. It was during these years I became infatuated with well-made electronic music.

The Eyerarchy:
What is it about music, more specifically EDM, that made you want to create this experience?
Thomas Turner:
It’s the vibe alway… no matter what genre the people are attending a show to see. They are having the best moments of their lives with the ones they love. Very few things create this connection between us in the world. I’m very lucky to do what I do.

The Eyerarchy:
Is there any experience or instance that got you in the situation to start Crush?
Thomas Turner:
I created the CRUSH brand as a means to be able to have an outstanding party with the one you love. If you have someone special you enjoy going to our events with- CRUSH is perfect. On the other hand, if you just want to have a great time… I wanted to be able to have those looking for that to enjoy it too. CRUSH is for all. And planted the seeds for a lot of what we do now.

The Eyerarchy:
What were some of the biggest road blocks you have experienced with this event, or any Relentless Beats production, and how did you work through them?
Thomas Turner:
Our business is a series of hurdles and obstacles. We are always working through them, but growing pains are always the hardest as you push past boundaries… working to get your arms around what makes the event best for the fans. I spend every day thinking about what we can do better and work to see it resolved at the following year’s event.

The Eyerarchy:
How has creating Relentless Beats impacted your life, and those around you?
Thomas Turner:
It’s an amazing and humbling experience to have so many people support a vision that came from my heart. I always work very hard to reach my goals, but to do it at a company like this is surreal.

The Eyerarchy:
What do you think is the best way attendees, fans, and music lovers can get involved to help grow and support the music and festival community?
Thomas Turner:
Give us your feedback. Relentless Beats is always listening and taking these opinions into consideration when planning the next one. Oh… and try to be nice 🙂

The Eyerarchy:
What are you looking forward to most with this year’s CRUSH?
Thomas Turner:
Spending 2 days celebrating the 10th CRUSH, with some of the best people around. It is going to be amazing!

The Eyerarchy:
With CRUSH having its 10th Anniversary, what were some on your biggest mile stones, over the last ten years?
Thomas Turner:
The biggest pillow fight in Arizona history happened with Dada Life, which was epic. Having Kaskade last year in 2018 was also very special. We also once hosted CRUSH in Phoenix at District 8 and Dada Life was there with Porter Robinson making his debut. It was very much an old school rave- I miss those days!

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