Suwannee’s Hulaween Is in Trouble

Over the last week or so, it has come to light that Suwannee’s Hulaween Music and Arts Festival in Live Oak, FL has become increasingly less likely to occur in 2019. Through the Festive Owl, a knowledge source on many things festival related, we have found that some of the visual artists, and artists of other kinds, from last years event, have gone unpaid for over three months. Justin Casey, one of the visual artists who performed in 2018, went on the assault January 10th posting about going unpaid and his frustrations with the promoters of the event (below). Within a day Paul Levine, one of Hulaween’s organizers, made a statement to the Festive Owl about the situation in an attempt of full transparency (below). It appears as if they know they made some big mistakes and are trying to fix it. Hopefully for their sake, they can, and furthermore, hopefully, this doesn’t prevent Hulaween from continuing. However, it does seem likely that Hulaween may not return.

Justin Casey’s Statement
Paul Levine’s Statement

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