What In The World Is Happening At Farm Fest 2018?

If you’re headed to Hammonton, NJ for this years F.A.R.M. Fest please approach with caution. Multiple sources have been reporting to us that this festival is in not the least bit prepared for what many attendees are expecting. It was even up in the air over the last 24 hours if this event was going to happen at all. We’ve heard from a vendor that literally nothing was set up yesterday morning, and now they do have a stage up, and a few vendors have set up. Some vendors have pulled. The people running this festival have told some artists they will not be performing due to them not having the proper sound capability. Basically, an artist who isn’t a DJ has been pulled from the lineup. Rumors have also been spoken that the curators of the festival are doing everything they can to get some of their local DJs out there to fill slots to save face. Rumors also circulating that artists have yet to be paid yet. When we say rumors, we mean rumors, as that hasn’t been confirmed, but it’s being discussed. Is this event a total bust? We are still unclear on that, but at least they are doing their best to give people coming from all over something to look forward to. We hope for the attendee’s sakes that this event pans out to be a wonderful weekend full of music and great experiences. We are surely left wondering what is the world is happening over there currently.

As and artist I would be fearful, but if your Dixon’s Violin you have the right attitude! Over the last few hours the people running the festival have released a new updated line up to attribute their changes. On the event page of their Facebook people are discussing these changes, some happy, others clearly not happy. F.A.R.M. Fest released official notice about the future of this event and its future. Nothing to in-depth, but its better the nothing.

Below is the updated line up with time slots, followed by the original lineup so you can see the differences.

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