Legendary ill.Gates Has Many Great Things Coming At Us!


This week we got a chance to catch up with the amazing ill.Gates and talk about music, hardware, himself, and what he has cooking for everyone! First things first, if your not very familiar with ill.Gates, do it. Second, in his words,”ill.GATES is a bass droppin’, educatin’, oscillator modulatin’ space genius from the future.” Third, he is a very kind individual, a well known “burner,” Ableton master, and so much more. The complexity to this man is astounding. ill.Gates has an amazing solo career with music, and always amazes the masses when he drops a new track. He also performs in a duo with KJ Sawka as the “Unsung Heros.” This is how our conversation went.

Eyerarchy: Thank you for your time and energy for an interview. We just had a few questions about music, the scene, whats to come, and some really random ones for our article on you!

Eyerarchy: Just under a year ago you were here in Minneapolis doing what you called a “trial run” with KJ Sawka. Since then we’ve seen an EP, a tour, and a large remix competition you two put together. Do you have more big plans working as a power duo?

ill.Gates: We just released an EP of the top 10 remixes from the competition. There are some extremely talented young producers on there and for many of them it’s their first release. https://soundcloud.com/impossible-records/sets/best-of-the-unsung-heroes

ill.Gates: I’m really humbled by the positive reaction people have had to our Unsung Heroes project. Definitely more to come!

Eyerarchy: We here stories about musicians having all sorts of kinks with the “industry.” What are some of your pet peeves of the music industry?

ill.Gates: I try not to focus on the negative side of things to be honest. If you spend all day complaining about the industry then it’s not going to be kind to you. I choose to focus on the amazing and talented people who are all trying to help this culture move forwards. Thanks and praise.

Eyerarchy: I’m sure everyone has wondered this at some point. How ill are you really?

ill.Gates: I’m the ill.Born child, son. A life sentence… Terminally ILL.

Eyerarchy: As a musician we know you love music. What have you been listening to for pleasure lately?

ill.Gates: I was just in Jamaica and Cuba getting inspired and working on a new record. It was amazing to see all of the live Salsa music and go to Kingston Dub Club and all that. It’s incredible to see some of the best music in the world made and played on some of the worst equipment in the world. They do so much with so little… As someone who spends all day dealing with the “I can’t write music because I have too many options” problem it really puts things in perspective.

Eyerarchy: Everyone should know you an ableton wiz, whats your most vital tool (besides ableton of course) for creating music?

ill.Gates: I use an interval timer app to segment my workflow and keep myself on track. It’s the cure for writer’s block. Truth. The app is called ‘Seconds’ and no artist should be without it.

Eyerarchy: Job interview: how would you self describe yourself with 5 words?

ill.Gates: Intrepid Vagabond Producer DJ Educator

Eyerarchy: Who have been a few of your favorite people you have collaborated with and why?

ill.Gates: KJ Sawka is one of the most positive people I have ever worked with. Many studio sessions are just brute force problem solving marathons, so having someone so skilled and so positive on your team is a dream come true. Opiuo is amazing to work with too, he is incredibly fast at making the right decisions. It’s wild. Homeboy just does the right thing first try every time. Bassnectar is always incredible to work with, I’ve learned vast amounts from him over our history. Gotta give respect there. Working with Masia One is the SHIT! She is one of my favourite people ever. Recently I started working with an MC named BBK from Colorado. He’s very talented and super hungry to make awesome music. I love it. Mayor Apeshit is another excellent MC. He’s on so many tracks… he’s like the voice of Bass Music these days. I’m also really enjoying working with Stephan Jacobs too. He’s got a track on the new album also. I can’t wait to bust these all out for you!

Eyerarchy: Whats the most difficult part of doing a collab, and is their anyone your dying to collab with?

ill.Gates: The most difficult part is finishing it before you have to part ways. Homework sucks.

I’d LOVE to do a track with Santigold. Her first two albums are just incredible.

Eyerarchy:If you could have any super power what would it be and why?

ill.Gates: Telekinesis. I dream about that shit all the time.

Eyerarchy: Do you ever have any self doubt when trying something new, and if so how do you over come it?

ill.Gates: Yes. I’m just like everyone else. I get over it by journaling and meditating every day.

Eyerarchy: If you could say one thing to the wolds population what would it be?

ill.Gates: You can change anything about your life that you want to. There is always a solution if you are creative enough. Believe in the way and forge ahead.

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